Stewardship Resource Library

To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…

– Ephesians 4:12

Are you ready to start living differently?

Are you ready to effectively manage all of God’s resources entrusted to you — your time, talents, career, possessions, relationships, and more? If you desire to become all that God created you to be, achieve all that God created you to achieve, and radically transform every area of your life, you are in the right place.

This space was created not to help you simply learn more, but so you may live differently — because all that we are, and all we possess, does not belong to us, it belongs to the Lord.

To begin, we must fully embrace three foundational, biblical truths:

Truth #1:
God is the Owner

“The earth is the LORD’s, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it.”
-Psalm 24:1

Truth #2:
We are His stewards

“A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.”
-Proverbs 25:28

Truth #3:
The Owner’s agenda is the only agenda

“I can do nothing on My own initiative.”

-John 5:30

When you acknowledge and live daily with these truths, your relationship with the Lord will explode in richness and depth, and your Kingdom impact will exceed anything you have imagined possible. We pray that the resources, book studies, estate planning tools, and advisor trainings will equip you for a whole life of stewardship.

Choosing To Live Differently

The presentation by Jay Link on “choosing to live differently” offers a new perspective on stewardship. This initiative, Stewardship Ministries, is dedicated to delivering spiritual and practical tools, advice, and resources to its ministry partners and a broader community. The core of this ministry is built on four foundational truths that shape its development philosophy and practices. You can download our Theology of Advancement document to gain a deeper understanding of these principles.

Resources & Studies

This ministry and library of resources was created to equip you in effectively managing all of God’s resources 

— time, talents, money, career, relationships, and more.

Biblical Stewardship

Articles and resources that look at the biblical concept of whole-life stewardship; categories include personal growth, strategic planning and generous living.

Discipleship Studies

Small group studies that will transform the culture of your church. The Steward’s Way is a three-tiered discipleship curriculum, and The Better Way Giving Series is a six week study on New Testament giving.

Estate Planning

Tools to walk you through the comprehensive planning process of estate planning, including questions to ask your advisors, evaluating where you are in your planning, and more.

Advisor Training

Unique resources for legal and financial advisors to learn sound, biblically-based stewardship planning and strategies. Includes training videos, coaching program and referral network.


Jay Link has over 40+ years of experience in counseling Christian families to build customized Master Stewardship Plans. He is an author, a mentor to financial advisors and attorneys, and started his career as a pastor. Jay’s passion is to help Christian families use all the Lord has entrusted to them for Kingdom-building purposes.


If you’re in search of additional resources or support on your biblical stewardship journey, contact us using the form or email

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