Why Do Some People Prosper Materially While Others Do Not? (Part 3)

This unique gift from God is the least understood and possibly the most important for us to grasp. The Bible tells us that there are actually three powers God gives us regarding wealth accumulation. Unless He gives us all three, our lives will be unhappy, out of balance, and self-absorbed—no matter how prosperous we are.


The house I am suggesting that we need to be keeping is not the one made of wood and bricks that contains our stuff, but the one made of flesh and blood that houses us and the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us in I Corinthians 3:16 (ESV), Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?

Stewarding Our Relationships

The house I am suggesting that we need to be keeping is not the one made of wood and bricks that contains our stuff, but the one made of flesh and blood that houses us and the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us in I Corinthians 3:16 (ESV), Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?

Keeping the Heart of God at the Heart of Living

There is no better way to practically define what total life stewardship really is than with this simple phrase: keeping the heart of God at the heart of living. Stewardship is all about carrying out the wishes of God, the Owner, as one of the caretakers of His property.

The Defining Characteristics of a Good and Faithful Steward

Stewards continually examine their behavior — their motives, their thoughts, their attitudes, the direction their lives are headed, and whether their lives are a close replica of the life of Jesus. Unfortunately, we far too often examine our lives only when something is going wrong or we face some significant crisis.

Double Trouble

We live in two kingdoms — our spiritual kingdom and our material kingdom. We can find ourselves attempting to straddle these two kingdoms, one foot planted in each even as they drift apart, leaving us facing double trouble. The Bible offers several metaphors to expose this contradictory double life.

Dominion: Man’s First Stewardship Assignment

Mankind has been given a creation mandate to fill — to subdue and have dominion (rule) over all of God’s good creation. In other words, mankind has been assigned the role of general manager of the Father’s world. What an incredible honor! What an incredible responsibility!

Being Poor in Spirit While Rich in Things

As Americans, we live in the richest nation in the world. Because we are surrounded with degrees of material prosperity, the idea of being poor in spirit presents us with an extraordinary challenge and an opportunity that can prove either powerful or destructive. How are we supposed to be poor in spirit while being rich in things?

Where Are All the Wealthy Christians?

How is it that we find the overwhelming majority of wealthy Christians routinely disenfranchised from the local church? How is it that these “movers and shakers,” these “make it happen” people, these “empire builders” who have a heart for God have somehow found themselves to be a marginalized group in the church?

To Grow or To Die

Here’s a provocative statement: The goal of the church should be “not to grow, but to die.” This statement flies in the face of almost everything we hear about church growth today. Yet it is a rock-solid, biblical statement.