How Much Is Enough?

Whatever our current salary or income, we want more. However much we have invested, we want it to grow to become more. No matter how big our business, we want to make it bigger. “More” is woven into the very fabric of the American psyche.

Housekeeping Matters

The house I am suggesting that we need to be keeping is not the one made of wood and bricks that contains our stuff, but the one made of flesh and blood that houses us and the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us in I Corinthians 3:16 (ESV), Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?

Are You Trading Up or Trading Down?

Should we not be reminded of what Jesus said about trading up and not trading down? In Matthew 6:19-20 He tells us in this amplified quote, Do not [trade down] for yourselves treasures on earth [in the Inanimate World]…. But [trade up] for yourselves treasures in heaven [in the Spiritual World].

Are You Living Your Life on Purpose or by Accident?

You can plan your life and live your plan, or you can simply let the flow of life events and circumstances sweep you down the river of time, taking you wherever it will. This is the quintessential example of “go with the flow.” The latter, sadly, is the way most people live their lives—by accident. The former is how God created us to live—on purpose.

All Things in Common

The book of Acts is an historical book that gives us an invaluable glimpse into the life and times of the early church. If what we see in this book were carefully studied, it could serve as a compelling blueprint for how Jesus intended for His church to live and fellowship together.

Entrust to Faithful Men

We can be certain that the church will continue to grow and flourish in the future when older men of God are committed to “planting trees” in whose shade they know they will never sit. Who is your Timothy, your Elisha, or your Joshua? To whom have you entrusted the sacred and eternal truths in order to carry the message on to the coming generations? In whose life are you making a significant investment?

The One Question That Changes Everything

Only when we accept the truth of God’s ownership of everything, can we be prepared to ask the one question that changes everything. It is a question we must ask daily, sometimes even hourly. The question is this: God, what do You want me to do with all that You have entrusted to me?

What Is My Relationship to My Stuff?

“Stewardship” might just be one of the most misused biblical terms in the Christian vocabulary. If we were to poll a cross section of Christians and ask them what the word “stewardship” means, the overwhelming majority would say it has something to do with money and giving. This is partially right and partially wrong. And as my grandmother told me growing up, “If something is partially wrong, it is all wrong.”

Our Ultimate Stewardship Priority

Am I being a trustworthy steward of the gospel? Proverbs 11:30 (NIV) tells us, he who wins souls is wise, and might I add, is also a trustworthy steward. May we all be found trustworthy in this, our ultimate stewardship priority.

Are You Living Like a Bucket or a Pipe?

Are you living like a bucket or a pipe? A bucket is designed to hold things. A pipe is designed to convey things through it. The bucket holds what it receives, while the pipe passes on what it receives. In regard to the material possessions that God has entrusted to you, are you living like a bucket or a pipe?