John 13:8

Receiving Gifts

Peter said to Him, ‘Never shall You wash my feet.

In John 13 Jesus is washing the disciples’ feet. When he comes to Peter, verse 8 says, Peter said to Him, ‘Never shall You wash my feet (NASB)!’ For many believers it is far more difficult to be a gracious receiver that it is a gracious giver. We see this illustrated in Peter’s response to Jesus’ desire to wash his feet. “Oh, no you don’t! I refuse to accept such an act of kindness!” When someone tries to give you something or do something nice for you, how do you respond? We are often taught how to be gracious givers, but we are never taught how to be gracious receivers. Remember, in order for someone to enjoy the blessings of being a gracious giver, someone needs to be a gracious receiver. Think about it