We have compiled a list of search tips to help you find the stewardship content you are looking for.
- Quotes: When searching for a title or phrase, it is best to use quotation marks to narrow the results to content that contains the words in the exact order you are looking for. Example: Searching “Tithes and Offerings” will return just those posts that contain the phrase “Tithes and Offerings,” whereas searching for Tithes and Offerings without quotes will return all content that contains the individual words tithes and offerings somewhere within the text.
- Ctrl+F: If a PDF article or book comes up as one of your search results, you can search within the PDF to find the word or phrase you are looking for. After clicking on the PDF link, use Ctrl+F to bring up a Find box. Type the word or phrase you are looking for into the Find box and each instance of the word or phrase will be highlighted within the PDF document.
- Sitemap: From the navigation bar, click the Sitemap link to see a list of all Biblical Stewardship Resource Library content, organized by category. Use the Ctrl+F shortcut on this page to find a particular title or word. For example, to find a Stewardship Minute for Psalm 24:1, click Ctrl+F and type Psalm 24:1 in the Find box.
Still having trouble finding what you are looking for? Please contact us and we will be happy to help.