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The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it (Psalm 24:1, NIV).
Steward, my advice to you: Live simply, give more, expect less.
E.G. “Jay” Link
As a steward of the time God has entrusted to you, how should you spend your time?
E.G. “Jay” Link
How we choose to make money with His money is a very important area of life-stewardship. Are you investing in what pleases Him?
E.G. “Jay” Link
The cornerstone of stewardship is gratitude. Do you have radical gratitude or perpetual dissatisfaction?
Mary Joe Letty
In the biblical understanding of giftedness, gifts are never really ours or for ourselves. We have nothing that was not given us. Our gifts are ultimately God’s, and we are only “stewards”—responsible for the prudent management of property that is not our own.
Os Guinness
How a steward evaluates things: “I judge all things only by the price they shall gain in eternity.”
John Wesley