Lesson 1: A Motivated Giver

The reason many believers are not significant givers is because they have never been significant receivers. They have never fully accepted God’s extraordinary flow of unconditional love that constantly pours over them. Until you fully receive God’s unconditional love, you will never be passionately motivated to love Him back.

When You Really Love

When you really love… money is no object, giving is a delight, and no sacrifice is too great.

How Does the Love of God Abide in Him?

First John 3:17 says, …whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? Ouch! Does this mean that unless we use our material possessions to meet people’s needs, John is calling our love of God into question?

Pressed Down and Shaken Together

Give, and it will be given to you… (Luke 6:38). I have been in the church all my life and have only heard this verse quoted in reference to one topic—giving money to the church or to God. May I suggest this verse has nothing to do either of those?