Are You Trading Up or Trading Down?

Should we not be reminded of what Jesus said about trading up and not trading down? In Matthew 6:19-20 He tells us in this amplified quote, Do not [trade down] for yourselves treasures on earth [in the Inanimate World]…. But [trade up] for yourselves treasures in heaven [in the Spiritual World].

Are You Living Your Life on Purpose or by Accident?

You can plan your life and live your plan, or you can simply let the flow of life events and circumstances sweep you down the river of time, taking you wherever it will. This is the quintessential example of “go with the flow.” The latter, sadly, is the way most people live their lives—by accident. The former is how God created us to live—on purpose.

Conducting an Inheritance Fire Drill

It is time well spent for parents, as they contemplate the amount and timing of their heirs’ inheritance, to conduct an “inheritance fire drill”. This exercise can help determine how prepared their heirs are to receive an inheritance, and how well they have thought-out how much of an inheritance is appropriate and when it is best to give it to them.

How Do You Calculate How Much You Are Worth?

As believers, we need to answer this question by utilizing three different types of valuation methods. We need to value our life worth rather than our net worth. We need to value our internal acquisitions rather than our external acquisitions. We need to value our eternal assets rather than our temporal assets.

Getting Comfortable With Your Wealth

This article addresses three under-developed aspects of material wealth that commonly hinder rich Christians from fully maximizing their life-capacity and achieving the greatest possible Kingdom impact with all they are and have: becoming spiritually comfortable, socially comfortable, and strategically comfortable with wealth.