Lifestyle Dilemmas vs Wealth Transfer Dilemmas vs Philanthropic Dilemmas
In this course we look at the 10 unique stewardship dilemmas that affluent families face, and how to assist them in overcoming these dilemmas.
- The Bigger Barns Dilemma
- The Prisoner of My Own Success Dilemma
- The It’s Lonely at the Top Dilemma
- The Next Generation Dilemma
- The Tax Man Cometh Dilemma
- The Conflict of Interest Dilemma
- The More or Less Dilemma
- The Strategic Master Plan Dilemma
- The Giving Until It Feels Good Dilemma
- The I Surrender All Dilemma
The Ten Unique Stewardship Dilemmas Affluent Christians Face (SPP 800)
Related Resources
- Article: A Blazing Fire
- Article: Tithes and Offerings
- Article: Big Giver, Small Giver: Someone Has Reversed the Definitions
- Q&A: Tithing Quiz and Answers
- Article: Are You an Informed or an Uninformed Taxpayer
- Article: Don’t Render Unto Caesar More Than You Have To
- Book: To Whom Much Is Given
- Book: Getting to the Heart of the Matter
- Workbook: Philanthropic Master Planning Workbook
- Study: The Better Way Giving Series