Fear and Uncertainty: The Great Planning Paralyzers

When wealthy families are fearful and/or uncertain about what to do in regard to stewardship planning, they ultimately end up doing NOTHING. When nothing happens, the families miss the opportunity to experience the indescribable joy of seeing God use them in meaningful and mighty ways with what He has entrusted to them.

Do You Love the World?

The Bible gives us four flashing “caution lights” that warn us we might have gotten into a love affair with the world: when we are never quite satisfied with what we have; when the things we own end up owning us; when worry about losing “things” disrupts our inner peace; and when our longing to be there is diminished by our affection for what we have here.

A Useful Steward (Part 2)

In Part One, we examined the attitude of humility. The second attitude we will examine is inadequacy, where we see ourselves as being entirely inadequate while God is eminently sufficient. These two attitudes, humility and inadequacy, will radically transform every area of your life.

A Useful Steward (Part 1)

For those of us who wish to be useful stewards to the Owner, there are two essential attitudes that must be part of our spiritual and emotional makeup. The first is humility. True humility can only be acquired in death of self, transforming us from being internally focused to being externally focused.

A Blazing Fire

The same material possessions that can produce a destructive outcome both now and for eternity can also produce abundant blessings in this life and the next. If we see material possessions as an end in themselves, they will consume us. If we see them merely as a means to an end—a way to bless others—they will actually greatly enhance our life.

What is Your Most Valuable Possession?

If you are like most people, you may consider that your home is your most valuable asset, or it might be your business, or your investment portfolio. No matter which asset you may select as your most valuable, you will have picked the wrong one.

The Deeper Meaning of Life

A biblical approach to life cannot focus simply on maximizing what you will keep for yourself and your family. You must also strive to address the deeper issues of your life’s purpose—what can you do to maximize your blessing to others?

How Do You Calculate How Much You Are Worth?

As believers, we need to answer this question by utilizing three different types of valuation methods. We need to value our life worth rather than our net worth. We need to value our internal acquisitions rather than our external acquisitions. We need to value our eternal assets rather than our temporal assets.