Keeping the Heart of God at the Heart of Living

There is no better way to practically define what total life stewardship really is than with this simple phrase: keeping the heart of God at the heart of living. Stewardship is all about carrying out the wishes of God, the Owner, as one of the caretakers of His property.

The Defining Characteristics of a Good and Faithful Steward

Stewards continually examine their behavior — their motives, their thoughts, their attitudes, the direction their lives are headed, and whether their lives are a close replica of the life of Jesus. Unfortunately, we far too often examine our lives only when something is going wrong or we face some significant crisis.

Dominion: Man’s First Stewardship Assignment

Mankind has been given a creation mandate to fill — to subdue and have dominion (rule) over all of God’s good creation. In other words, mankind has been assigned the role of general manager of the Father’s world. What an incredible honor! What an incredible responsibility!

A Useful Steward (Part 2)

In Part One, we examined the attitude of humility. The second attitude we will examine is inadequacy, where we see ourselves as being entirely inadequate while God is eminently sufficient. These two attitudes, humility and inadequacy, will radically transform every area of your life.

A Useful Steward (Part 1)

For those of us who wish to be useful stewards to the Owner, there are two essential attitudes that must be part of our spiritual and emotional makeup. The first is humility. True humility can only be acquired in death of self, transforming us from being internally focused to being externally focused.

The One Question That Changes Everything

Only when we accept the truth of God’s ownership of everything, can we be prepared to ask the one question that changes everything. It is a question we must ask daily, sometimes even hourly. The question is this: God, what do You want me to do with all that You have entrusted to me?

What Is My Relationship to My Stuff?

“Stewardship” might just be one of the most misused biblical terms in the Christian vocabulary. If we were to poll a cross section of Christians and ask them what the word “stewardship” means, the overwhelming majority would say it has something to do with money and giving. This is partially right and partially wrong. And as my grandmother told me growing up, “If something is partially wrong, it is all wrong.”