The Ten Unique Stewardship Dilemmas Affluent Christians Face (SPP 800)
Lifestyle Dilemmas vs Wealth Transfer Dilemmas vs Philanthropic Dilemmas In this course we look at the 10 unique stewardship dilemmas that affluent families face, and how to assist them in overcoming these dilemmas. Dilemmas The Bigger Barns Dilemma The Prisoner of My Own Success Dilemma The It’s Lonely at the Top Dilemma The Next Generation […]
A Virtues-Based Approach to Planning (SPP 700)
Unpacking the Three Approaches to Estate Planning There are three approaches to estate planning: a tax approach, a values approach and a virtues approach. In this course we highlight why the virtues-based approach is the most effective and the most enduring. Topics Unpacking the three approaches to wealth planning practiced today Growing a strong family […]
How to Work With Your Clients’ Other Professional Advisors (SPP 200)
Building a High Trust/High Performing Planning Team Your success in moving your clients to actual implementation of your planning recommendations depends largely on your ability to work effectively with their other professional advisors. In this course, we give you the timing and the process for how to build a high-trust/high-performing planning team of professional advisors. […]
Biblical Basis for Stewardship and Generosity (SPP 100)
Listening to the Word of God In this course we do a comprehensive review of the Old and New Testaments, highlighting the Scriptures that focus on stewardship generally and giving specifically. We cover over 400 verses in this class. Topics Video Handout Biblical Basis for Stewardship and Generosity (SPP 100) Related Resources Articles
Becoming Your Client’s Most Trusted Advisor (SPP 300)
Setting Yourself and Your Practice Apart in the Overcrowded Marketplace How do you set up your practice and what services should you provide so that your clients will look to you first among all their advisors (attorney, accountant, insurance agent, money manager, etc.)? Trust has far less to do with experience or knowledge than it […]
Helping a Family Evaluate Where They Are in Their Planning (SPP 500)
Learning to Ask Critical Mental Angle Questions Have you ever talked to a potential client and been blown off with comments like: “Oh, we already have that taken care of” or “We already have an advisor who does that for us”? You know that you have 10 seconds to come up with a compelling response […]
The Five Phase Stewardship Planning Process (SPP 400)
Avoiding the Quicksand of Implementation A comprehensive stewardship planning process must address all five aspects of planning. The right emphasis on each aspect is critical to ensure the plan designed for clients is implemented effectively. In this class, we discuss the “quicksand” of implementation and how to avoid losing your clients in it. Topics Video […]