Ephesians 3:2
Overcoming Obstacles to Generous Giving (ESC 700)
Spiritual, Emotional, Financial Barriers to Generosity Most people would say “yes” when asked if they would like to give more than they do. But there are a number of spiritual, emotional and financial obstacles that prevent people from being more generous than they are. When you know what these obstacles are, you can address them […]
Conducting a Client Discovery Retreat and Effective Family Meetings (ESC 600)
Problems to Be Solved, Opportunities to Be Seized One of the most critical aspects to effective planning is figuring out the “destination” before you start giving a client directions. This course outlines how to conduct a retreat that lets you discover far more than financial objectives. It will help you discover the two great motivators […]
Stewarding Our Relationships
The house I am suggesting that we need to be keeping is not the one made of wood and bricks that contains our stuff, but the one made of flesh and blood that houses us and the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us in I Corinthians 3:16 (ESV), Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?